It is always in recession the famous debate topic spurts that "Personalized profits and socialized losses is the way Capitalist class works!!" And then soon the fire spreads and this topic goes for different stage shows like it becomes GD topic for most of B-schools,on Media Newspapers etc.So i will not be touching the general thought process of presenting the points For and Against the Topic. However Being Capitalist is only best alternative if customized in particular way.
Life as Capitalist way:-
1)Municipal gardens and public places should no more be public but rather made private property.So now people throwing garbages,spitting on walls can be made to pay for this colourful act by Capitalist owner.Because when its Private then owner takes responsibility of maintaing highest level of hygiene and cleanliness.
2)Vendors should start charging for poly-ethene bags so that consumer will value poly-ethene bags and plastic waste will be under check!
Same has already been implemented by Government by ban on public smoking i.e protecting lives of Passive smokers by penalizing.
Ban on plastic bags in some circles is other example.
Mandatory PUC checks is one more example.
So keeping morals,ethics aside if we give monetary incentive or penalty then we can save on all front effortlessly!!
Parallel example is Carbon Credits where we converted biggest threat of carbon emission into biggest opportunity by changing it to business model of carbon credit!!
So Capitalism,the modern day Lagaan is the way to go!
End of Post.
And now comes the Bizzare:- Laxi and Party went for movie called "London Dreams".This is not Bizzare,the bizzare is without taking any review into account the Mr. Gentleman(Laxi) audaciously went and enjoyed the movie.Thus his Risk gave him Returns and his balance sheet as usual got balanced in terms of Risk and Return!!
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